In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus Christ -Yeshua] was in the beginning with God.


The first book of Corinthians is the second of Paul’s thirteen letters referred to as the Pauline epistles. Paul wrote the letter in Ephesus (ancient ruins near present day Selcuk, Turkey) in AD 56 during his third missionary journey. The letter was addressed to the church at Corinth (present day Korinth, Greece). Paul had previously established the church at Corinth during his second missionary journey.

Paul wrote his letter in responses to reports and questions he received concerning contentions among the church members in Corinth. The church was being divided because of false apostolic leadership. Consequently, members of the church were falling back into immorality. Corinth was a city known for its debauchery, particularly prostitution. The great temple of Aphrodite was dedicated to the goddess of love and was consecrated with one thousand prostitutes.

Paul reminded the Corinthians of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who is the wisdom of God. He explained to them the difference between the foolishness of man and the wisdom of God through Christ who became for us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. He addressed the responsibility and accountability of ministers. Paul specifically addressed the fornication that was occurring in the church and issued warnings against immorality in general. He followed his rebuke by counseling on celibacy, marriage, divorce and remarriage. Paul then turned his attention to the liberties and responsibilities of believers, the Lord’s Supper and the exercising of spiritual gifts. He finally concluded his letter by reminding the Corinthians of the significance of Christ’s resurrection.

First Corinthians 1-4: Paul’s greetings; divisions in the church; responsibility of ministers

First Corinthians 5-6: Fornication; separation from immorality; litigation; sexual immorality

First Corinthians 7-14: Celibacy; marriage; divorce and remarriage; Lord’s Supper; gifts of the spirit

First Corinthians 15-16: Importance of Christ’s resurrection; Paul’s closing statements