In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus Christ -Yeshua] was in the beginning with God.


Following the twelve books of history are the five books of poetry and wisdom. The books were written and compiled from the time of Job, c. 2000 BC, to the end of King Solomon’s reign over Israel in 931 BC. The majority of writings occurred during the reigns of David and Solomon, 1011-931 BC. Some of King Solomon’s writings were compiled by King Hezekiah of Judah in 700 BC.

The books of poetry and wisdom are a reflection of our humanity and the relationship God desires for us to have with Him. These books cover all facets of our emotions and behavior and how God’s deals with us and how He ministers to our needs. Human nature has not changed since the fall of man and neither has God changed. Many people today believe that someday we will be able to solve our differences and obtain harmony with each other, void of wars and suffering. However, this is inconsistent with the world’s endeavor to dismiss God’s moral values as being old fashioned. Consequently, we are marching down the road of destruction. For those who turn to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, there is salvation. Most of the world will not choose the ark of safety at the cross of Christ. At the end of the seven-year tribulation, Christ will return to earth the second time to stop man’s march toward self-annihilation. He will redeem a remnant of Israel and judge the nations, and He will bring an era of righteousness, peace and prosperity.

Job – The sovereignty of God; Job’s sufferings and restoration; God the redeemer

Psalms – The human frailty; God’s grace and mercy; God is our redeemer

Proverbs – Knowledge begins with the fear of the Lord; God’s wisdom for joyful living

Ecclesiastes – The vanity of life without God; the joyful purpose of life

Song of Solomon – The story of authentic romantic love; God’s gift to mankind