In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus Christ -Yeshua] was in the beginning with God.


The Book of Obadiah is the fourth of the twelve books of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. The name Obadiah comes from the Hebrew word Obadyah meaning, “servant of God”. The book of Obadiah contains only 21 verses making it the shortest book in the Holy Bible. There is some uncertainty about the time of Obadiah’s ministry. The historical context of scripture indicates a time from c. 845-841 BC, during the reign of Jehoram, king of Judah. This makes Obadiah the earliest prophet followed by Joel c. 835-796 BC. The prophecies of Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah and Micah overlapped in an era from c. 845-670 BC.

During the reign of Jehoram, the Philistines and Arabians invaded Judah. Edom, a neighbor of Judah, refused to assist Judah. Instead, Edom rejoiced over the plundering of Jerusalem. Edom had a consistent history of refusing to help Israel. This was especially grievous in God’s sight because both were distant kinsman. While Judah had descended from Jacob, Edom had descended from Jacobs’s twin brother, Esau. Edom’s continuous hostility and cruelty against Judah precipitated her utter destruction by God. This was a somber judgment because Obadiah made no call to repentance, offered no comfort, and worse of all, gave no hope for Edom. God would cut off Edom forever.

Obadiah also prophesied that God’s people, Israel, would again posses their land including the lands of Edom and the Philistines. Israel will be the Lord’s kingdom. At the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, Christ will return to judge the nations and restore Jerusalem and Israel to Himself. Jews and Gentiles who have accepted Christ as their Savior will join in the celebration of redemption.

Obadiah verses 1-18: Vision of Obadiah; the sins of Edom; the judgment of Edom and all nations

Obadiah versus 19-21: Israel’s repossession of her land; God’s rule over His kingdom