In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus Christ -Yeshua] was in the beginning with God.


The book of First Timothy is the tenth of Paul’s thirteen letters referred to as the Pauline epistles. It is one of three Pastoral Epistles written to Timothy and Titus. Paul was in Philippi in AD 62 after being released from his first Roman imprisonment when he wrote his first letter to Timothy. The ruins of Philippi, an ancient Roman colonial city in Macedonia, are located near present day Kavala, Greece.

Paul wrote this epistle to Timothy to instruct him in his ministry in Ephesus while Paul went to Macedonia. He exhorted Timothy to continue preaching the true doctrine of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, because some were straying from the truth by teaching the Mosaic Law. Paul explained that his salvation was by the exceedingly abundant grace of Christ and that this same grace is available to all who believe on Him. The law is for the lawless and is not for the righteous.

Paul instructed Timothy regarding several facets of church leadership. He warned against false doctrines, particularly those that teach the Mosaic Law rather than salvation by the grace of God through Christ. Men were to worship in public by praying everywhere for all men. Women were to show their good works of godliness. Bishops and deacons were to be chosen from men of good report and blameless. Paul cautioned Timothy against false teachers who leave the faith and lead others away. Church members were to be treated like family with special attention given to elders and widows. Finally, material wealth was not to be equated with godliness. The wealthy are not to trust in their riches.

First Timothy 1-2: False doctrine; abundant grace of Christ; maintaining the faith; public worship

First Timothy 3-4: Bishops and deacons; conduct in the house of God; false teachers; true teachers

First Timothy 5-6: Elders and widows; godliness with contentment; exhortation to the wealthy