In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus Christ -Yeshua] was in the beginning with God.


The second book of Corinthians is the third of Paul’s thirteen letters referred to as the Pauline epistles. The apostle Paul wrote the letter in Philippi (ancient ruins near present day Kavala, Greece) in AD 56 during his third missionary journey. This was the second letter addressed to the church at Corinth (present day Korinth, Greece). Paul later traveled to Corinth where he wrote his letter to the Romans.

In the first book of Corinthians, Paul wrote a letter of rebuke and instructions to the Corinthians because of divisions in the church brought on by false apostolic leadership. He later rejoiced in hearing that the majority of Corinthians had repented. However, a minority in the church still rejected Paul’s apostolic credentials and authority. Paul wrote his second letter in response to these events.

Paul begins his second letter by expressing his joy in the victory the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, had given to the church at Corinth. He explains the reason for his delay in visiting them and then reminds them of the life changing power of Christ’s ministry and the proper motivations for staying steadfast in Christ. Paul instructs the Corinthian believers to separate themselves from partaking with the unbelievers because there is nothing common between them. He advises them on proper giving and its righteous significance. Paul then defends himself of the accusations by false apostles who are leading a minority against him. Although they considered his writings strong, they accused him of being weak in appearance and speech. Paul made it clear that his words and deeds were the same. While the false apostles boasted in themselves, Paul boasted in his accomplishments only to demonstrate his authority in Christ. Finally, Paul instructed believers to examine themselves so that the God of love and peace may be with them.

Second Corinthians 1-7: Paul’s thanksgivings; Paul’s plans; the apostolic ministry of Christ

Second Corinthians 8-9: Example of the Macedonians; the principles in giving

Second Corinthians 10-13: Paul answers his accusers; Paul demonstrates his apostleship; his conclusions