In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus Christ -Yeshua]
was in the beginning with God.
The Book of Genesis (beginning to c. 1804 BC) - meaning beginnings, is the first of the five books known as the
Law in the Holy Bible. It begins with creation
and ends with the death and burial of the Patriarch Joseph in Egypt.
There are four major events that take place in Genesis: the creation of
the world, and the creation of man in the image of God; the sinful fall
of man with the promise of The Messiah, and subsequent judgment of the great flood; the sparing of Noah
and his family, and the subsequent spawning of nations; and God's
choosing of the Patriarch Abraham to establish the
nation of Israel
through his descendants - Isaac, Jacob and his 12 sons, including
Judah from whom The Messiah, Jesus Christ - Yeshua, would come and bring
salvation to Israel
and the world.
Genesis 1-2: The Creation of the World and of Man
Genesis 3-5: The Sinful Fall of Man and the first prophesy of The Messiah
Genesis 6-7: The Judgment of the Flood
Genesis 8-9: The sparing of Noah and his family; and God's first
covenant with man
Genesis 10: The spawning of nations; and the judgment on the Tower of
The Patriarchs of Israel:
Genesis 11-25: The life of Abraham, the first generation Patriarch and God's
Abrahamic Covenant
Genesis 25-26: The life of Isaac, the second generation Patriarch and God's
chosen seed of Abraham
Genesis 27-36: The life of Jacob, the third generation Patriarch and
the ancestral
Patriarch of Israel
Genesis 37-50: The life of Joseph, the fourth generation Patriarch and one of 12
tribes of Israel