In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus Christ -Yeshua]
was in the beginning with God.
The Book of Micah is the sixth of the twelve books of the
Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. The name Micah comes
from the Hebrew word Michayahu meaning, “who is like God”.
Micah was from Judah and ministered during the reigns of
Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. Combined, they
ruled Judah from c. 740-687 BC. The prophecies of
Obadiah, Joel,
Jonah, Amos,
Hosea, Isaiah and Micah overlapped in an era
from c. 845-670 BC with Micah c. 738-698 BC.
Micah proclaimed God’s judgment on the cities of Samaria, the capital
of Israel, and Jerusalem, the capital of
Judah. It was during a time in
which the people acted unjustly and wickedly against each other. They
had a form of ritual worship, but their hearts were far from God. False
prophets caused the people to stray while claiming that the Lord was
with them in their endeavors. God challenged them to be like Him; they
were to do justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly before Him. However, the people
rejected Micah’s message and, consequently, God brought judgment on
Judah and Israel. As prophesied by Micah, Israel fell to the Assyrians
in 722 BC while Judah was taken captive by the Babylonians beginning
in 605 BC.
Micah proclaimed that God would have mercy and not retain His anger
forever because He delights in mercy. Micah prophesied two restorations
of Israel and two advents of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. The release of the
Babylonian captives in 538 BC, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem,
and the rejection of Christ have all been fulfilled. Future prophecies of
Israel’s deliverance from the Assyrian, the
Antichrist, will occur at
the second advent of Christ at the end of the
tribulation. Christ
will bring eternal restoration and salvation to
Israel. Today’s events
in Israel are leading up to Christ’s
second coming.
Micah 1-3: Judgments on Judah and Israel; condemnation by God;
promise of restoration
Micah 4-5: Return of captives; birth and rejection of the Messiah;
future deliverance from the Assyrian
Micah 6-7: God pleads His case; promise of Israel’s final and eternal